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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Queensborough campus map?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to find my way around the Queensborough Community College campus. Does anyone have a link to an up-to-date campus map or could give me a general overview of the layout? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hi there! While I can't provide a direct link to a map, you can easily find the most up-to-date Queensborough Community College campus map by visiting the college's official website. Once you're on the website, simply search for "campus map" using the search bar, and you should find it as one of the top results.

As for a general overview of the layout, the campus is quite well-organized, with a series of interconnected buildings, each housing different academic departments and facilities. Key buildings include the Administration Building (A), the Library (L), the Science Building (S), and the Humanities Building (H), among others. The college also has outdoor facilities like the athletic fields and the Queensborough Performing Arts Center.

If you need help navigating the campus once you're there, don't hesitate to ask faculty, staff, or fellow students for assistance. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help. Good luck, and enjoy your time at Queensborough Community College!

10 months ago

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