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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Miami Demographics

Hi, I was looking at the University of Miami and I'm curious about the student demographics there. What is the makeup of the on-campus population in terms of race, ethnicity, and geographic origins? Thanks!

10 months ago

The University of Miami has a diverse student population in terms of race, ethnicity, and geographic origins. In recent years, the racial and ethnic composition of the undergraduate population has been about as follows:

- White: 49%

- Hispanic/Latino: 28%

- Black or African American: 7.7%

- Asian: 8.8%

- Two or more races: 3.9%

- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.2%

- American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.1%

- Nonresident Alien (International Students): 10.2%

- Unknown: 0.7%

In terms of geographic distribution, around 50% of students are from Florida, which is unsurprising given that is the state University of Miami is located in. Students from other states within the United States and international students make up the other half of the population. International students are represented from over 100 countries around the world, and they provide diverse perspectives that enrich the campus experience.

Keep in mind that these percentages are subject to change every year, but this should give you a good idea of the demographics at the University of Miami. You can also visit the University of Miami website or contact their admissions office for the most updated and accurate information.

If the University of Miami's community seems like one you'd thrive in, and you're looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle University of Miami's school-specific supplemental essay(s): After all, University of Miami has become increasingly selective in recent years, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguish one talented applicant from another. Best of luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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