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Thoughts on University of Oregon's Economics Department?

I'm curious about the University of Oregon's economics program. Can someone tell me what makes it a good program, or if there are any specific aspects I should be aware of? Thanks for the info!

10 months ago

Sure! The University of Oregon has a strong economics department that offers a solid foundation in economic theory and quantitative methods. One standout feature is its focus on applied and policy-oriented research - students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to real-world issues and gain practical experience.

For example, the department offers many opportunities to engage with faculty on research projects, which can help you gain hands-on experience and build connections within the field even while still in undergrad. Additionally, the economics faculty at UO has expertise in several areas, such as labor economics, environmental economics, and macroeconomics, so you'll be able to explore a range of topics that align with your interests.

The University of Oregon also has a strong emphasis on undergraduate education, which means you'll likely have access to smaller class sizes, and personal interactions with professors. This focus can lead to a more engaging and supportive learning environment.

Additionally, UO has a loyal alumni network, which includes people well-versed in the field of economics like Nike founder Phil Knight, that could help you secure a job offer post-graduation, and continue to open doors for you throughout your life.

Overall, the University of Oregon's economics department offers well-rounded coursework, faculty expertise in diverse fields, research opportunities, and connections to industry and policy experts. The program can set you up for a successful career in economics, whether you're interested in pursuing a graduate degree, working in the private sector, or serving in a government role.

Do be sure to also consider UO's overall campus culture, to ensure it's a place where you'll thrive personally as well as academically. If you decide the school is a good overall fit for you and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle the University of Oregon's school-specific supplemental essays: Best of luck with your college search and future pursuits in economics!

10 months ago

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