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What sports teams does MIT have?

I'm thinking about applying to MIT and I'm curious about their sports teams. What kind of sports can I get involved in? Is their athletic community active and supportive?

10 months ago

MIT has a diverse and active athletic community, offering 33 varsity sports teams and various club and intramural sports. The varsity sports include sports such as basketball, track and field, swimming and diving, soccer, baseball, and rowing, among others. The full list of varsity sports can be found on MIT's Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation (DAPER) website.

In addition to varsity sports, there are numerous club sports available, catering to a wide range of interests. Some examples include ultimate frisbee, rugby, and equestrian. Club sports offer a more relaxed and social environment than varsity sports, allowing students the opportunity to enjoy sports without the same level of commitment.

Intramural sports are another option, where participants can compete in a variety of sports on a more casual basis, usually within the MIT community. Some popular intramural sports include flag football, soccer, and volleyball. Intramural sports are an excellent way to meet fellow students, make new friends, and stay active.

Overall, engagement in athletics at MIT is strong and supportive. While the school may be known more for its academics than athletics, the athletic community is active and proud, offering many opportunities for students to explore their passions and stay physically fit while pursuing their studies.

10 months ago

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