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WashU sports scene?

Hey! I've been looking into WashU and I'm curious about their sports culture. Can anyone give a rundown on how the sports scene is there, both in terms of varsity teams and intermural or club sports? Are the athletes super dedicated, and do students attend games often?

4 months ago

Hey! WashU has a strong sports scene with a good balance between varsity teams and intramural/club sports. The university competes in NCAA Division III as a member of the University Athletic Association, which means the emphasis is on academics, but athletics are still an important aspect of campus life.

When it comes to varsity teams, there are 19 sports, including basketball, soccer, track and field, swimming, and more. While DIII athletes may not receive athletic scholarships, they are typically very dedicated to their sports and demonstrate commitment and passion.

The intramural and club sports scene is vibrant at WashU. Many students participate in a wide variety of activities, ranging from traditional sports like flag football and volleyball to less traditional options like Quidditch or Ultimate Frisbee. What's great about the intramural and club sports scene at WashU is that it offers a way for students of all ability levels to engage in a healthy and fun way. You don't have to be a star athlete to participate and enjoy yourself.

As for attendance at games, it can vary depending on the sport and specific game, but there's generally a decent level of support from the student body. For some of the more popular sports, like basketball and soccer, students will often come out to cheer on the team, but it may not be as lively as you would see at a large Division I school. However, attending games can be a fun way to socialize with friends, support your classmates, and show some school spirit.

Overall, the sports culture at WashU strikes a nice balance between competitive athletics and a welcoming atmosphere for students to participate at all levels. It encourages community-building, friendly competition, and an active and healthy lifestyle.

4 months ago

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