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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pitt State D1 or not?

Hey y'all, I'm really into sports and wanted to know if Pitt State is a Division 1 school? I'm considering applying there, but I want to make sure I can take part in a competitive athletic environment.

10 months ago

Yes, Pitt State, also known as Pittsburg State University, is a Division II school, not Division I. They participate in the NCAA Division II and are part of the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association (MIAA). While it's not the highest level of college sports (Division I), Division II still offers a competitive athletic environment with opportunities to represent your school, compete against other universities, and develop your skills.

If you're set on attending a Division I school, you might want to consider other universities that offer a more competitive D1 athletic environment. However, if you're still interested in Pitt State, their athletics department offers various sports like football, basketball, track and field, soccer, and more, and has a strong history of successful seasons and achievements.

Remember that in addition to athletics, it's essential to consider academics, campus life, and other factors when choosing a college. Good luck in your college search!

10 months ago

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