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SAT: 720 math
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UCLA Early Action Acceptance Rate?

Does anyone have any info on the acceptance rate for early action applicants at UCLA? I'm thinking of applying early and want to know how it compares to the regular decision acceptance rate. Thanks for the help!

10 months ago

UCLA, along with other University of California schools, does not offer Early Action or Early Decision admissions. The UC system has a single application window, with the deadline typically falling on November 30th each year for first-year applicants. All applicants, regardless of when they submit their applications during this window, are considered under the regular decision cycle. This means that there is no separate acceptance rate for early action at UCLA.

You can still focus on crafting a strong application and ensure your Personal Insight Questions and supporting materials are of high quality to increase your chances of admission. Additionally, research and engage with other aspects of the university, like extracurriculars and programs that align with your interests, to show your genuine desire to attend UCLA.

Good luck with your application!

10 months ago

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