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Business Schools in Oregon—Suggestions?

Hey guys, I'm currently researching business schools in Oregon. Can anyone recommend a few reputable and well-regarded options in the state? Any firsthand experiences with these schools would be super helpful too!

10 months ago

First, I want to applaud your decision to study business in Oregon—it's a beautiful state with a unique culture and strong academic institutions. Here are three reputable business schools in Oregon that you can consider:

1. University of Oregon: The Charles H. Lundquist College of Business is highly regarded for its undergraduate and graduate programs. They offer majors such as accounting, finance, marketing, and sports business. The Lundquist College of Business is well known for the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, which is a leading institution for sports business education and research.

2. Oregon State University: The College of Business at OSU offers a range of undergraduate programs including business administration, accounting, and business analytics. The college has a strong focus on experiential learning and encourages students to take part in internships and global experiences. OSU's facilities, such as the Austin Entrepreneurship Program and its strong connections in the business world, make it an attractive choice for business students.

3. Portland State University: The School of Business at PSU is located in the heart of Portland, providing students with a strong connection to the local business community. They offer degrees in fields such as business administration, finance, marketing, supply & logistics management, and human resources management. PSU's business school is recognized for its focus on sustainability and social responsibility, perfect for students who want to make a positive impact in their careers.

While I don't have firsthand experience with these schools, many students and alumni say that these institutions offer strong academic programs, experiential learning opportunities, and valuable connections to the local business community. As you research and gather information, consider visiting each campus (if possible) and talking to current students or faculty members to better understand the unique aspects of each business school. Best of luck with your search!

10 months ago

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