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Cowley College Division: What Athletics Can I Expect?

Hi all, I've been looking into Cowley College, and I'm curious about their athletics. I can't seem to find much on the college sports division that they're in. Can anyone provide some information about Cowley College's sports programs or what division they compete in?

10 months ago

Cowley College is a community college located in Arkansas City, Kansas, and has a variety of athletic programs for students to participate in. The college is part of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and competes in Division I and Division II sports.

Some of the sports offered at Cowley College include:

1. Baseball (Men's)

2. Basketball (Men's and Women's)

3. Cross Country (Men's and Women's)

4. Wrestling (Men’s)

5. Softball (Women's)

6. Tennis (Men's and Women's)

7. Track and Field (Men's and Women's)

8. Volleyball (Women's)

9. Soccer (Men’s and Women’s)

The Cowley College athletic teams are nicknamed the "Tigers," and they generally have a strong athletic performance in their respective divisions. They compete against other community colleges in their region and also participate in NJCAA championship events.

Keep in mind that, as a community college, the emphasis on athletics at Cowley College may be different than what you would find at a larger four-year institution. Community college students are generally focused on learning technical skills that are directly related to particular careers, so the extracurricular scene, including around athletics, is generally less vibrant than at a four-year school.

Nonetheless, Cowley College offers a solid range of sports programs for students looking to compete and stay active during their college years. If you're interested in joining any of these teams or would like to learn more about their athletics program, I recommend reaching out to the athletic department or visiting their website for more information. Best of luck with your future athletic and academic pursuits!

10 months ago

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