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In search of D3 field hockey colleges

Hi guys! I'm a junior looking at potential colleges to apply to and I'm really interested in playing field hockey at a D3 level. Can anyone recommend some good D3 field hockey colleges or where to find a list of them? Appreciate the help!

10 months ago

Hello! It's exciting that you're considering playing field hockey at the college level. There are many great D3 schools with field hockey programs. I'd like to mention a few that are known for both their academic and athletic excellence:

1. Middlebury College (Vermont) - They have a strong field hockey program that has won multiple NCAA D3 Championships.

2. Bowdoin College (Maine) - Another great option with a successful field hockey program and top-notch academics.

3. Tufts University (Massachusetts) - Tufts has a competitive field hockey team and also offers a fantastic education.

4. Franklin & Marshall College (Pennsylvania) - This school consistently performs well in D3 field hockey and has a solid academic reputation.

These are just a few examples of D3 schools with strong field hockey programs. To find a comprehensive list of all D3 field hockey colleges and their team information, you can visit the NCAA DIII website and search for field hockey. You'll be able to see each team's conference, location, and school size, which can give you more insight into which schools could be a good fit for you.

Additionally, consider your academic interests, campus culture, location preferences, and any potential financial aid opportunities as you research schools. Ultimately, try to visit campuses if possible and reach out to coaches to express your interest and ask specific questions about the field hockey program and team culture.

Good luck with your college search, and I hope this helps you find the right fit for your academic and athletic goals!

10 months ago

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