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Which universities have the best photography programs?

Hey guys! I'm a junior and really passionate about photography. I'd love to study it in college, but I'm not sure which schools have the best programs. Can anyone recommend some universities with exceptional photography departments? TIA!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're passionate about photography and want to study it in college. Here are some universities that are known for their exceptional photography programs:

1. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD): Often ranked as one of the top art schools in the United States, RISD's photography program is highly regarded. The curriculum emphasizes technical skills and conceptual thinking, as well as the opportunity to explore various photographic genres.

2. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): CalArts' photography program integrates technical and conceptual knowledge, and provides a platform for experimentation in the field. The curriculum includes courses in both traditional and digital photography, to prepare students for careers in a variety of creative industries.

3. School of Visual Arts (SVA) New York: SVA's photography program is designed to help students develop their individual artistic voice, through coursework that focuses on the intersection of photography and digital media. Their state-of-the-art facilities offer students access to cutting-edge technology and resources.

4. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD): SCAD's photography program is grounded in traditional techniques, but also embraces emerging technology. The curriculum covers various areas of photography, such as commercial, fine art, and documentary, which allows students to hone their skills in multiple fields.

5. Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT): RIT is known for having one of the best photography programs in the country. Their curriculum focuses on technique, creativity, and critical thinking, while offering students opportunities to explore areas like advertising, fine art, and photojournalism.

Remember that it's also essential to visit these schools or research their programs and resources in more depth to determine which one would be the best fit for you, personally as well as artistically. Good luck in your search for the perfect photography program!

10 months ago

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