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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Legitimate reasons for deferring admission?

What are some solid reasons for deferring college admission for a year? If I decide to pursue this option, I want to be sure they are persuasive enough. Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

There are several legitimate reasons for requesting a deferral, and colleges typically understand that students may need a gap year for various reasons. Here are some common and convincing reasons for deferring admission:

1. Personal or family circumstances: If you or a family member is facing health issues, a financial setback, or other significant challenges, colleges often understand that you may need a year to address these situations.

2. Community service or volunteering: Spending a year dedicated to serving others or contributing to a cause you're passionate about can be viewed favorably by colleges.

3. Internship or work experience: Gaining real-world experience in your field of interest by interning or working can help you grow as a person and better prepare you for your chosen major.

4. Travel or cultural exchange: Experiencing new cultures and broadening your horizons through travel or language immersion can foster personal growth and independence.

5. Academic pursuits: If you have an opportunity to participate in a research project, competitive fellowship, or other academically enriching experiences, colleges may see the value in allowing you to defer to pursue these opportunities.

6. Developing a skill or talent: If you have a specific talent or passion—such as athletics or arts—that would benefit from a year of intensive training, colleges may be supportive of your deferral.

It's important to outline your plan for the gap year and show how it will contribute to your personal or academic growth when requesting a deferral. Remember that each college has its own deferral policies, so be sure to read their guidelines and requirements carefully before submitting your request.

10 months ago

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