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CSU Sacramento Music

Hi everyone! I saw that CSU Sacramento offers a music program—any thoughts on how it compares to other schools? What kind of opportunities are available for performance, internship, and networking within the music industry?

10 months ago

CSU Sacramento's music program is known for its dedicated faculty, strong curriculum, and various performance opportunities available to students. While it might not have the same prestige as some of the top music conservatories, its diverse range of courses and emphasis on practical experience make it a solid choice for aspiring musicians.

In terms of performance opportunities, CSU Sacramento's School of Music offers several ensembles such as concert bands, jazz ensembles, vocal groups, chamber music, and the University's symphony orchestra. This allows students to gain experience in various musical genres and settings while pursuing their degree. Additionally, students can participate in several on-campus concerts and events throughout the year, showcasing their talent and building a performance portfolio.

Internship possibilities will depend on the specific focus of your music degree. If you are interested in areas like arts administration, music production, or music education, you may find opportunities to intern with local music organizations, recording studios, concert venues, and schools. The school's location in Sacramento, the state capital, provides access to a rich arts community and a variety of professional networks within the music industry.

When it comes to networking, CSU Sacramento often brings guest artists and industry experts to campus, providing students with the chance to connect with professionals in their field. Attending masterclasses, workshops, and conferences can also help students build relationships with peers, educators, and potential employers in the music industry. Additionally, active participation in student organizations and ensembles can foster connections that prove invaluable throughout your career.

To get a better understanding of how CSU Sacramento's music program compares to other schools, research the specific programs, faculty, facilities, and alumni success at other institutions you are considering. This will help you make a more informed decision and find the best fit for your goals and aspirations in the music industry.

10 months ago

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