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D2 schools with solid women's soccer programs?

Hey everyone, I'm looking for colleges with strong D2 women's soccer teams. Do you have any suggestions or a good list of colleges to consider? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hello! It's great to see you're interested in D2 women's soccer programs. There are quite a few colleges with strong teams and a competitive atmosphere. Here are some suggestions to start your search:

1. Grand Valley State University (Michigan): Consistently ranked at the top of D2 women's soccer, GVSU has multiple national championships under its belt. The team's success speaks for itself and can provide a competitive environment for players.

2. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs: With regular appearances in the NCAA D2 Championships, the UCCS Mountain Lions have a history of strong performances, making them another solid option for women's soccer.

3. Flagler College (Florida): This college's women's soccer team has gained recognition over the years and consistently competes at a high level. The Saints have made several NCAA tournament appearances and provide a competitive atmosphere for aspiring soccer players.

4. Western Washington University: Another program with consistent success, WWU has made several deep runs in the NCAA D2 Championships, providing a rigorous and competitive environment for players.

5. University of Central Missouri: UCM has a strong women's soccer program and has qualified for the NCAA tournament multiple times in recent years. The Jennies offer a solid option for players seeking a competitive D2 soccer experience.

Of course, there are many more D2 schools with successful women's soccer teams, but this list should provide a good starting point. Be sure to research each school and their soccer program to find the best fit for you academically, athletically, and socially. Good luck with your search!

10 months ago

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