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Hollins University Athletics - what's the vibe?

Hello, I'm curious about the athletic scene at Hollins University. Can anyone give me an idea of the variety of sports offered (varsity and club) and how big of a role athletics play in campus life? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! Hollins University offers a variety of NCAA Division III varsity sports, as well as club and intramural sports for students interested in a more casual sports experience.

The varsity sports offered at Hollins include basketball, cross country, equestrian, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field (indoor and outdoor). They compete within the Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC). Club and intramural sport offerings can vary year-to-year based on student interest, but can include activities like ultimate frisbee, volleyball, and yoga.

Athletics do play a role in campus life at Hollins, but the vibe is not as intense compared to larger schools or those with Division I sports. Being a Division III school, the emphasis is on the overall student experience and personal growth, rather than just winning games.

While sports are an important part of the college experience for student-athletes and sports enthusiasts, the campus atmosphere at Hollins is not dominated by athletics. Some students may be especially passionate about sports, but others may spend more time enjoying other aspects of college life, such as academics, arts, and social events. Nevertheless, student-athletes are dedicated, and their games and events often attract a supportive community of students, faculty, and staff.

In summary, Hollins University offers a healthy balance between athletics and other aspects of campus life, by providing opportunities for students to engage in sports at different levels of competition and commitment. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

10 months ago

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