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CSU Pomona Computer Science

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to CSU Pomona for computer science. Can anybody tell me about the quality of their CS program? Also interested in hearing about internship opportunities, research options, and any other unique experiences you could share about the department!

10 months ago

CSU Pomona has a solid computer science program that is well-regarded within the Cal State system. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers various areas in the field, such as data structures, programming languages, algorithms, computer architecture, and more. The faculty is known to be knowledgeable and dedicated, and they are invested in their students' success.

One aspect that sets CSU Pomona's computer science program apart is their emphasis on hands-on learning and practical applications. The department encourages students to participate in projects and industry-sponsored competitions, like hackathons and coding challenges. This approach helps prepare students with real-world skills that make them attractive to employers.

In terms of research and internships at CSU Pomona, there are several ways to get involved. Students can work with faculty members on their research projects, which can focus on topics ranging from artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and web development to machine learning and computational biology. In addition, the department often hosts guest speakers from successful tech companies who offer insight into the industry's latest trends and how to secure internships at their organizations.

Indeed, many CSU Pomona computer science students have landed opportunities at local and global tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple. The school's proximity to the Los Angeles tech hub also makes it possible for students to network and secure internships during their time on campus.

Lastly, CSU Pomona has multiple clubs and organizations dedicated to computer science and related fields like the Computer Science Society, SheCodes, and various programming and cybersecurity teams. Joining these clubs can be an excellent way to build connections and foster collaboration with fellow students, while also providing opportunities to participate in events and competitions that can strengthen your resume.

Overall, CSU Pomona's computer science program offers a strong combination of theoretical and practical learning, along with access to research opportunities, internships, and networking events. It's a promising option for students passionate about the field and looking to have a well-rounded college experience. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

10 months ago

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