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Gatech Electrical Engineering Program

Hey, I'm a junior looking into the electrical engineering program at Georgia Tech. Can anyone provide some information on the program and its reputation? How are the professors, class sizes, and research opportunities? Any advice is appreciated!

10 months ago

Hey there! Georgia Tech is known for having an exceptional electrical engineering program. In fact, it is consistently ranked among the top engineering schools in the United States.

The professors at Georgia Tech are knowledgeable and experienced in their fields. Many of them have worked on research projects or have industry experience, which adds value to their teaching. However, as is the case at many research-focused universities, not all professors will excel at teaching. Be sure to check out sites like RateMyProfessors to get a sense of how the professors are perceived by their students.

Regarding class sizes, core electrical engineering classes may have a large number of students, particularly in the lower level courses. As you progress into your major and take more specialized courses, the class sizes will decrease and offer more opportunities for individual attention and interaction with faculty.

Research opportunities are plentiful at Georgia Tech. As a top engineering school, Georgia Tech conducts cutting-edge research in various areas, including robotics, nanotechnology, and power systems. You can get involved in research either through course work, by joining research groups or labs, or through internships with faculty members. The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and electrical engineering-specific research initiatives can help you identify opportunities that align with your interests.

Since Georgia Tech's electrical engineering program is rigorous and competitive, it's important to prepare yourself with a strong foundation in math and science during high school. Additionally, internships, co-curricular projects, or other hands-on experiences will also be valuable to your success and understanding of the field.

In summary, if you're interested in pursuing electrical engineering, Georgia Tech offers strong academics, experienced professors, and abundant research opportunities. As you consider your options, be sure to visit the campus and attend information sessions to get a better feel for the program and the school as a whole. Good luck as you move forward in the college application process!

10 months ago

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