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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where exactly is University of Pennsylvania located?

I've been considering applying to University of Pennsylvania, but I'm a little unsure about its exact location. Can someone tell me where it's situated and maybe a bit about the surrounding area? Thanks!

10 months ago

University of Pennsylvania (often referred to as Penn or UPenn) is located in the University City neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It's situated on the west side of the Schuylkill River, just across the river from Center City, Philadelphia's bustling downtown area. The campus is easily accessible, as it's roughly 1.5 miles from downtown Philadelphia and is well-connected by public transportation, such as buses and the subway system.

Philadelphia is a historic city with a rich cultural heritage and offers a diverse range of attractions, dining options, art scenes, and recreational activities. It's the sixth most populous city in the United States and has a vibrant, urban feel. The area surrounding UPenn is teeming with students from surrounding universities, which creates a lively college atmosphere. The University City area itself offers a variety of restaurants, shops, and parks to explore.

You may also appreciate the easy access to New York City (approx. 95 miles away) and Washington D.C. (about 130 miles away) by train or car, which could provide you with more opportunities for exploration, internships, and networking while you're studying at UPenn. Overall, attending University of Pennsylvania will offer you the unique chance to experience the combination of a thriving college neighborhood and a vibrant, culturally-rich city.

10 months ago

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