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CSU Global Reputation

Hey everyone, so I'm thinking about applying to CSU Global and wondering if it's a good school. What's the reputation like, and are the online programs reputable and well-accepted by employers?

10 months ago

CSU Global is part of the larger Colorado State University System, which has a reputation for providing quality education. CSU Global specifically focuses on providing online degree programs tailored for working professionals, adult learners, and other nontraditional students. Although it's not as well-known as some other online institutions or its physical counterpart, Colorado State University-Fort Collins, CSU Global still maintains a positive reputation for its educational offerings.

Employers generally recognize and value degrees from CSU Global. This is because the university is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), one of the most respected accrediting organizations in the United States. Regional accreditation ensures that CSU Global meets high academic standards, which can positively influence how employers view your degree.

However, it's essential to note that employer acceptance of online degrees often depends on the specific industry, company, and position. Some employers may favor candidates with degrees from traditional, in-person institutions, while others are becoming more open to hiring graduates with online degrees, especially given the increasing prevalence and quality of online education.

When looking into online degree programs, it's a good idea to research the specific program and how it's regarded within your intended field or industry. Talk to professionals in your desired field, consult with career advisors, and explore online forums to get a better grasp of how a CSU Global degree might be received.

Overall, CSU Global has a decent reputation and is accredited, which is vital when considering an online degree program. Remember, it's crucial to ensure that the program you choose aligns with your specific career goals and the preferences of potential employers in your target industry.

10 months ago

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