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How's UNLV's graphic design program?

I'm starting to make a college list and I've come across University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) for graphic design. Just curious what people think about their program and if anyone has any experience with it?

10 months ago

I've heard some positive things about UNLV's graphic design program. It's part of the College of Fine Arts and is housed within the Department of Art. The program emphasizes creativity and real-world applications, with a strong focus on developing your technical skills, conceptual thinking, and creating visually compelling designs.

One notable aspect of UNLV's graphic design program is the opportunity for students to participate in internships and collaborative projects. These experiences allow you to apply your skills in real-world settings and build a strong portfolio that will be essential in securing a job upon graduation.

Moreover, the faculty at UNLV's graphic design program consists of diverse professionals who can provide valuable insights into the industry. Students have access to dedicated studios and labs equipped with the latest industry-standard software and hardware to help foster a creative learning environment.

When compared to other graphic design programs across the country, UNLV's program may not be as well-known or prestigious as some of the top-tier schools. However, it could be a solid option for those looking for an affordable education with a smaller student-to-faculty ratio and opportunities for hands-on experience.

Ultimately, the quality of a graphic design program will depend on your personal goals, interests, and what you want out of your college experience. It's essential to research and visit the campus or attend virtual events to get a better understanding of the program and see if it aligns with your expectations.

10 months ago

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