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Georgia Tech's Design Program

I'm a high school junior looking into design programs, and I've heard Georgia Institute of Technology has a good one. What's the reputation of Georgia Tech's design program, and what kinds of courses/activities can I expect if I choose this path?

10 months ago

Georgia Institute of Technology indeed has a strong reputation for its design programs, particularly in the realm of industrial design. The School of Industrial Design at Georgia Tech focuses on human-centered design, so you can expect to learn about understanding users' needs, creating functional and aesthetically pleasing products, and utilizing cutting-edge technologies to prototype and make your designs a reality.

The curriculum is well-rounded and includes a variety of courses that cover design principles, design research, interaction design, and product development. Some courses you might take include:

1. Design Fundamentals: A course focusing on the foundation of design principles, sketching, and generating ideas.

2. Interaction Design: Focuses on designing digital interfaces, user experiences, and usability evaluation.

3. Design and Society: Examines the societal impact and ethics of design decisions.

4. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Modeling: Teaches 3D modeling techniques using software like SolidWorks or Rhino.

5. Physical Prototyping: Covers methods of creating physical models and prototypes, from traditional woodworking techniques to digital fabrication tools like laser cutting and 3D printing.

In addition to your coursework, Georgia Tech also boasts a variety of extracurricular clubs and activities related to design, such as the Industrial Design Club and the Innovation and Design Collaborative. These provide opportunities for networking, collaborating on projects, and developing your portfolio.

The program also emphasizes real-world design challenges through studio courses, which give you the opportunity to collaborate with classmates on projects for industry clients or sponsored research. This hands-on approach allows you to build a strong portfolio and gain valuable experience working on real-world problems.

Overall, Georgia Tech's design program combines a strong theoretical foundation with practical, hands-on experiences, making it an excellent choice for students interested in pursuing a career in industrial design or a related field.

10 months ago

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