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CSUDH Business Administration

Hi! I'm thinking of applying to CSU Dominguez Hills for business administration. Does anyone have any info on the quality of this program and any unique experiences they can share? What about internships, networking, and job placement after graduation?

10 months ago

Hi there! CSU Dominguez Hills' College of Business Administration and Public Policy offers a variety of degrees and concentrations within the business administration major, which can help you tailor your education to your specific career interests. Students within the program have the opportunity to learn from experienced faculty who are knowledgeable in their respective fields.

Internship opportunities can be found through the College of Business Administration and Public Policy's internship program or the university's Career Center. Both resources assist students in finding placements that align with their goals and interests. Internships are an excellent way to gain practical experience, build your resume, and make connections in the business world.

Networking is an important aspect of any program, and CSUDH has numerous resources to help students build their professional network. The university's alumni network can be a great starting point for making connections and gaining insights about different industries and job roles. Additionally, the university organizes various networking events, career fairs, and conferences throughout the year that enable students to meet with potential employers, industry professionals, and other students.

In terms of job placement after graduation, CSUDH offers a range of career services to assist students in their job search. The Career Center provides job listings, career advising, workshops, and access to on-campus recruitment events. While specific job placement statistics for the business administration program may not be readily available, the quality of the program and the extensive support you'll receive in terms of internships and career services will be instrumental in assisting you to build a solid foundation for a successful career in business.

Overall, CSU Dominguez Hills' business administration program offers a good combination of academics, internship opportunities, and networking possibilities to help prepare you for a successful career in the field. It's essential to utilize the resources provided by the university and take advantage of networking events, internships, and career services for a well-rounded experience. Good luck with your application!

10 months ago

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