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What are some unique things about Cornell?

Hey guys, I've been researching different colleges, and I'm really interested in Cornell. Can anyone share some unique aspects of Cornell that make it stand out from the other Ivy League schools? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! Cornell University definitely has some unique aspects that set it apart from other Ivy League schools. Here are a few:

1. Campus Location and Size: Cornell has a beautiful and sprawling campus in Ithaca, New York, which provides a rural setting unlike much of the urban campuses found in the other Ivy League schools. The surrounding area offers stunning scenery, waterfalls, and gorges for students to enjoy and explore.

2. Diversity of Academic Offerings: Cornell has eight undergraduate colleges and schools, each with its own focus and requirements. This structure allows students to experience interdisciplinary education and choose from a wide range of majors, including subjects like agriculture, hotel administration, industrial and labor relations, and architecture, which are not typically available at other Ivy League institutions.

3. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS): The CALS at Cornell is the top-ranked agricultural school in the Ivy League and provides students unique opportunities to learn about food, agriculture, and environmental sciences. It is also one of the few colleges in the nation to have a land-grant mission, emphasizing research, extension, and outreach services to help rural communities.

4. Hotel School: The School of Hotel Administration is another standout feature of Cornell. Often regarded as the best hospitality program globally, it has strong industry connections and offers hands-on experience and internships for students interested in pursuing careers in hospitality and hotel management.

5. Designated Research Facilities: Cornell houses numerous research centers, institutes, and laboratories, including the Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory, the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), and the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). These facilities offer students exceptional research opportunities across various fields.

6. Strong Engineering Program: Although engineering is offered at other Ivy League schools, Cornell's College of Engineering is consistently ranked among the top ten engineering schools in the US, offering a strong foundation in both theoretical and applied engineering disciplines.

7. Dragon Day: A unique Cornell tradition is Dragon Day, where architecture students design and build a massive dragon, which is paraded through the campus, culminating in a mock battle between the dragon and a phoenix created by engineering students. This event showcases the creativity and friendly rivalry between the different schools.

These are just a few examples of what sets Cornell apart from other Ivy League institutions. If you're considering Cornell, it's definitely worth exploring these unique aspects and learning more about this amazing university!

8 months ago

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