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Connecticut art schools?

I'm looking to apply to art schools in Connecticut. Can someone recommend reputable art schools in the area that offer good programs in various art disciplines? Thanks for the help!

8 months ago

Certainly! Connecticut is home to several reputable art schools that offer excellent programs across various art disciplines. Here are a few that you may want to consider:

1. Yale University (New Haven) - While it's not exclusively an art school, Yale University has a prestigious School of Art that offers top-notch undergraduate and graduate programs in various art disciplines, including painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, and film.

2. University of Connecticut (Storrs) - UConn's School of Fine Arts features several undergraduate programs, including majors in art, digital media and design, dramatic arts, and music. Additionally, they offer graduate programs in various art fields.

3. Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts (Old Lyme) - This small college, now a part of the University of New Haven, offers undergraduate programs in painting, sculpture, illustration, and drawing. As a specialized art institution, students can expect a more focused art education.

4. Sacred Heart University (Fairfield) - This private university offers undergraduate programs in various art disciplines, such as graphic design, illustration, studio art, and game design and development.

5. Western Connecticut State University (Danbury) - WCSU's School of Visual and Performing Arts offers undergraduate programs in several art forms, including art, theatre, music, and digital and interactive media arts.

8 months ago

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