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Looking for good electrician schools

Hi everyone, I want to become an electrician after I graduate and I'm trying to find some good electrician schools. Any recommendations out there? Your input would be really helpful!

10 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're planning out your future as an electrician. Electrician training typically takes place at vocational or trade schools, or through apprenticeship programs. Let me give you some suggestions on where you can begin your journey as an electrician.

1. State Technical College of Missouri: They have a robust Electrical Distribution Systems program that combines classroom instruction and hands-on training, focusing on power utility line work.

2. Northwest Iowa Community College: This college offers an Electrical Technology program that covers residential, agricultural, commercial, and industrial electrical systems.

3. Penn Foster Career School: Penn Foster offers an online career diploma program for residential electricians. This can be a flexible option if you're looking for a less traditional training path.

4. Local Apprenticeships: Many local International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) chapters and electrical contractors have apprenticeship programs. These can be an excellent way to gain both classroom instruction and practical experience without incurring student loan debt.

As you explore these options, make sure to gather information about the curriculum, tuition, duration of the program, and post-graduation job placement rates. Don't forget to consider licensure requirements in your state, as these may influence your choice of program. Good luck with your future career as an electrician!

10 months ago

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