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Rankings for D3 Baseball Colleges?

Hey guys! I'm currently a high school junior, exploring my options for playing baseball in college. Can you provide me a current list of top-ranked D3 baseball colleges? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're looking into playing baseball at the Division III level. While there's no definitive list of top-ranked D3 baseball colleges, I can provide you with a collection of well-regarded programs based on factors like historical success, competitiveness, facilities, and coaching staff. Keep in mind that the best fit for you will also depend on factors like academics, location, and campus culture.

Here are some D3 baseball programs that have been successful and well regarded in recent years:

1. Trinity University (Texas)

2. Emory University (Georgia)

3. Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri)

4. Tufts University (Massachusetts)

5. Salisbury University (Maryland)

6. Birmingham-Southern College (Alabama)

7. University of Southern Maine (Maine)

8. North Central College (Illinois)

9. Shenandoah University (Virginia)

10. Johns Hopkins University (Maryland)

This list is not exhaustive, and it's important to research each program and visit campuses if possible to get a feel for the school and team culture. It's also a good idea to reach out to coaches to express your interest, share your highlight reels, and discuss potential playing opportunities.

Good luck with your college search and your baseball career!

10 months ago

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