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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Miami Ohio location

Hey everyone! I've been looking into Miami University in Ohio, and I'm curious about its location. Can someone tell me about the surrounding area and what it's like to live there as a student?

10 months ago

Hello! Miami University is located in Oxford, Ohio, a small college town with a population of around 22,000 people. The town has a charming atmosphere, with a mix of historic buildings and modern amenities. Being in a college town, a significant portion of the population is made up of students, which contributes to a lively and youthful vibe during the academic year.

Oxford's uptown area, within walking distance from the campus, offers a variety of restaurants, cafes, shops, and events that cater to students. There's also a local farmers' market held regularly in the town square and a few community parks to explore, such as Hueston Woods State Park.

Though Oxford is somewhat isolated, with Cincinnati—its nearest major city—being about 45 minutes away by car, it provides students with a tight-knit community and more of a "traditional" college experience. Miami University also provides various on-campus resources and activities to keep students engaged.

However, public transportation options in Oxford are quite limited, so you'll need to rely on a car or the university's shuttle service if you want to travel outside the town. Additionally, the lack of urban amenities such as big concert venues, museums, or diverse shopping centers might be a drawback if you're seeking a more cosmopolitan experience.

Overall, Miami University offers a close-knit, college-focused community with a small-town charm. It may not have the hustle and bustle of a large city, but it does make for a more focused and intimate college experience.

10 months ago

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