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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Boston University Location

I'm considering applying to BU, but I'm not too familiar with its location. Where exactly is BU located in Boston? What is the campus like and what are some pros and cons of living in the area?

4 months ago

Boston University is located in the Fenway-Kenmore neighborhood of Boston, along the banks of the Charles River and adjacent to the the beautiful Back Bay area. The campus runs along Commonwealth Avenue, which is a major street in the city, and also stretches across the river to the Fenway area, near the Red Sox stadium. The main campus is quite linear and stretches over about 1.5 miles, but is also well-integrated with the city's urban environment.


1. Vibrant city life: Well-known for its diverse population, history, and attractions, Boston offers a rich collegiate experience with a wealth of cultural and recreational opportunities. There are also hundreds of other colleges in and around the city, so you'll have ample opportunity to meet other students from different institutions.

2. Great food scene: From cozy cafes, bakeries along Comm Ave, to high-end restaurants throughout the city, there's something for everyone.

3. Networking and internships: Given BU's location in the heart of the city, students have ample opportunities for networking and internships within various industries, such as healthcare, tech, finance, and more.

4. Public transportation: BU has a dedicated T-stop (the Green Line) and several bus lines that run through the campus, so you'll have easy access to other parts of Boston and neighboring areas.


1. Cost of living: The cost of living in Boston can be high, in terms of housing and groceries (if you think you might eventually live off-campus), to casual expenses like meals out.

2. Weather: Boston's winter weather can be harsh, with severe cold snaps and moderate snowfall. Be prepared to dress warmly and possibly experience the occasional commuting challenges due to snow or rain.

3. Campus layout: Because the campus is spread along Comm Ave, it can be a bit of a walk between some of your classes or residential buildings.

4. Parking: If you're planning to have a car, parking can be scarce and expensive in the surrounding area.

Overall, BU's location offers an engaging and diverse environment for college students, as it provides numerous opportunities for academic, professional, and personal growth. The city's rich history and culture, mixed with the challenges of urban living, create a rewarding and unique college experience.

If you decide BU is the place for you, in terms of academics and personal preferences in addition to location, and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle each of their school-specific supplemental essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-boston-university-essays. After all, BU is quite a selective school, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguish one talented applicant from another. Best of luck with your college search!

4 months ago

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