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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Contacting UNT Office of Financial Aid?

I'm having trouble figuring out my financial aid package at University of North Texas and I need to get in touch with their Office of Financial Aid. Does anyone have their contact information or advice on the best way to reach them?

8 months ago

Reaching out to the University of North Texas (UNT) Office of Financial Aid sounds like a good idea to get your financial aid package questions sorted out. The office's hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Central Time), and you can call them at 940-565-2302. You can also submit an electronic request for help on their website (https://financialaid.unt.edu/contact-us.html).

Before contacting them, I'd recommend gathering relevant information like your student (or applicant) ID number, FAFSA confirmation, and any emails or letters you've received related to your financial aid package. Having all this information ready to go will allow them to assist you with your concerns more efficiently, as otherwise they may need to ask for it before being able to help.

If you're not receiving a timely response via email or phone, consider reaching out to them on their social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter, as that may help you get a quicker response. Also, check the UNT financial aid website for any FAQ sections or additional resources that could provide answers to your questions.

Remember that during peak times like college application season and deadlines, the financial aid office might have a high call and email volume, so if you're not experiencing an urgent issue, it may be helpful to give them some time to get back to you. Good luck!

8 months ago

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