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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I prepare for the SAT or ACT during my junior year?

Hey all! I'm a junior and I'm starting to think about taking the SAT or ACT. I know that these tests can be really important for college applications, so I want to make sure I'm prepared. Can anyone offer some advice on how to study for these tests or any resources they found helpful? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! I understand that preparing for the SAT or ACT can feel a bit overwhelming, but with the right strategy and resources, you can definitely succeed. My own child went through the process not too long ago, so I can share some of the things that worked for them. First and foremost, take a diagnostic test for both the SAT and ACT to see which one suits you better. Some students find that they perform better on one test over the other. Once you've chosen which test to focus on, create a study schedule that allows you to consistently devote time to preparation. There are plenty of resources available, both free and paid. For free resources, check out Khan Academy for the SAT and ACT Academy for the ACT. Both offer tailored practice and instructional videos. If you're looking for additional support, consider investing in a prep book or even a prep course or tutor, depending on your budget. Don't forget to take regular practice tests to track your progress and adjust your study plan as needed. Good luck, and I hope you find this advice helpful!

a year ago

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