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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How do I ask for a letter of recommendation from my teachers?

Hey guys! I'm a junior and I'm starting to think about letters of recommendation for my college applications. I'm not sure how to approach my teachers and ask for them. Can anyone give me some advice on the best way to do this? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're thinking about letters of recommendation early. When my child went through the process, we found the following tips helpful: 1. Choose teachers who know you well and can speak to your strengths. Ideally, they should be teachers of subjects you excel in or teachers you've had for more than one year. 2. Ask in person if possible, but make sure to follow up with an email as well. This gives them a written reminder and a way to keep track of your request. 3. Provide a 'brag sheet' or a list of your accomplishments, extracurriculars, and any specific examples of your work in their class. This helps them write a more detailed and compelling letter. 4. Give them plenty of time. Ask at least a month in advance, if not earlier, to give your teachers enough time to write a thoughtful letter. Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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