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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on UNR?

Hey folks! I've been looking into the University of Nevada, Reno and was wondering if it's considered a good school. What have you heard about UNR? How's the academic reputation there?

10 months ago

UNR, or the University of Nevada, Reno, is a solid public university with a growing academic reputation. It's classified as an R1 institution, which means it has very high research activity. This ranking demonstrates that the university commits to fostering a strong research culture and providing students with opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research across various disciplines.

In terms of academics, UNR is recognized for its strong programs in engineering, earth sciences, and education. It also offers a variety of majors in business-related fields, social sciences, and the humanities. The university's nursing and speech pathology programs are highly ranked at the graduate level.

Campus life at UNR is active, with more than 250 student organizations to choose from, providing ample opportunities to find your interests and make connections. The university is also part of the Mountain West Conference for sports, so if you're into athletics, there are numerous opportunities to participate or attend games.

Located in Reno, Nevada, the school has easy access to natural beauty with Lake Tahoe, skiing resorts, and several state and national parks only a short drive away. The city of Reno itself offers a mix of urban life with art, culture, and gaming options, while also maintaining a small-town feel.

Overall, the University of Nevada, Reno has a solid academic reputation and a vibrant campus life, offering students a well-rounded college experience. As with any college decision, it's essential to visit the campus, speak with current students and alumni, and do your research to determine if UNR is a good fit for your personal and academic goals.

10 months ago

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