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Northeastern housing prices?

I'm potentially attending Northeastern University next year, and I'm wondering about the cost of housing. How expensive is it to live on-campus versus off-campus? What should I expect to pay for a dorm or an apartment nearby? Thanks for any help!

10 months ago

On-campus housing at Northeastern University can indeed be quite expensive, especially when compared to off-campus options. For the 2023-2024 academic year, on-campus housing cost ranges from approximately $9,800 to $17,650 per academic year depending on the type of residence hall you choose. These costs include the room rate, as well as utilities and basic internet service. However, keep in mind that meal plans are not factored into these rates and may increase your total on-campus living costs.

Off-campus housing prices can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, type of accommodation, and what amenities are included. In general, a shared apartment could range anywhere from $800 to $1,500 per month per person, including utilities. If you want a private one-bedroom or studio apartment, you'll likely be looking at $1,800 to $2,500 per month. The farther you move away from campus, the more affordable rent generally becomes, but this might increase your commute time.

In addition to rent, off-campus living can come with additional costs such as utilities, internet, and renters' insurance. It's important to factor in these additional costs when determining the affordability of off-campus housing.

For the best off-campus housing options, you might want to start looking early and consider factors such as proximity to campus, public transportation, your budget, and personal preferences. Keep in mind that off-campus housing can provide more freedom, as well as an opportunity to explore Boston's neighborhoods. However, on-campus housing is more convenient in terms of logistics and may offer more support for freshmen adapting to college life.

Ultimately, you should weigh the pros and cons of both options and consider your personal priorities and preferences to determine which housing choice best suits your needs and budget.

10 months ago

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