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Florida International University grads, how's the job market?

I'm looking into Florida International University, but I'm a little bit stressed about the job outcomes for graduates. Can anyone share their experiences or any data on job placement and starting salaries for FIU grads?

10 months ago

According to FIU's main website, their overall post-graduation success rate (defined as employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation) is around 86%. Of course, this rate varies depending on the major you choose and the field you want to enter, but that's about what you're looking at.

FIU has many strong programs and connections with local businesses in Miami and the greater Florida area. Students have plenty of opportunities for internships and networking, which are crucial for securing a good job upon graduation. In addition, FIU has a dedicated career and talent development center that offers resources and support, such as resume writing workshops, interview preparation, and job search assistance.

Starting salaries can depend on several factors, including your major, job location, and company size. However, to give you a rough idea, Payscale reports that the average starting salary for FIU graduates is around $45,600 per year. As you gain experience and advance in your field, this number can significantly increase.

Keep in mind that it's essential to be proactive during your time at college in order to have the best chance at a successful job outcome. Participate in internships, network, attend career fairs, and take advantage of the career services offered by the university. Overall, though, while your individual experience may vary somewhat, the data on job placement and starting salaries for FIU grads is quite promising. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

10 months ago

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