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physical therapy assistant programs in Massachusetts

Hey guys, I've been considering a career as a Physical Therapist Assistant and I was wondering which colleges or programs in Massachusetts are the best? If anyone has any suggestions or personal experiences, I would appreciate it! Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! It's excellent that you're considering a career as a Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA). Massachusetts has several accredited PTA programs offered by colleges and technical institutes. Here are a few noteworthy options:

1. North Shore Community College - This college, located in Danvers, offers an Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant. The program features a combination of general education, professional coursework, and clinical experiences.

2. Springfield Technical Community College - Located in Springfield, the college provides a well-regarded PTA program which results in an Associate in Applied Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant. The program is comprehensive, with both on-campus classroom learning and clinical education.

3. MassBay Community College - Located in Wellesley Hills, MassBay offers an Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant Studies. The program prepares students to become proficient PTAs, and includes clinical education experiences at various facilities.

Keep in mind that it's crucial to ensure that you're choosing an accredited program recognized by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). This accreditation will allow you to sit for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) for PTAs after completing the program.

I recommend looking into each program's details, such as admission requirements, program length, tuition and fees, and potential financial aid options. It would also be helpful to reach out to the program coordinators and other individuals involved in these programs to learn more about their experiences and gather personalized advice. Ultimately, personal preferences and factors such as location, program size, and resources available can help you decide which PTA program is the best fit for your career aspirations.

Good luck, and I hope you find the right program for you!

10 months ago

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