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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Northern Illinois University enrollment numbers?

Hey guys, I've been looking into Northern Illinois University recently, and I was curious about how many students are enrolled there. Does anyone have any info on their enrollment numbers? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hello! In recent years, Northern Illinois University (NIU) has had a total enrollment of around 15,000 students. This number includes both undergraduate and graduate students, though. The undergraduate population alone is usually a little over 11,000.

Keep in mind that these numbers can change from year to year, but they should give you a good general idea of the size of the student body at NIU. If you're interested in learning more about NIU, you could visit their website or reach out to the admissions office to get the latest information on enrollment and other aspects of the university. Good luck with your research!

10 months ago

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