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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Nova University Campuses and Locations

Hi there! I'm interested in Nova University but I'm kind of confused about their different locations. Could anyone tell me more about their various campuses and where they are located?

10 months ago

Hello! Nova University comprises multiple campuses and centers spread across Florida, providing a wide range of academic opportunities for students. Here's a list of the main campuses and their locations:

1. Main Campus - Fort Lauderdale/Davie: The main campus is located in Fort Lauderdale/Davie, Florida. This campus hosts the majority of undergraduate and graduate programs, including those in Business, Nursing, Education, Psychology, and more. It offers state-of-the-art facilities such as the Alvin Sherman Library, University Center, and Don Taft University Center, which serve as hubs for various student activities and resources.

2. Oceanographic Campus - Dania Beach: Situated near the main campus, the Oceanographic Campus, also known as the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, is located in Dania Beach, Florida. This campus focuses on marine science research and graduate education, boasting the Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Science Research Facility, which is the largest coral reef research center in the United States.

3. Health Professions Division - Davie: The Health Professions Division is adjacent to the main campus in Davie, Florida. It houses various health-related programs, including the Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, Dental Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, and other health sciences programs.

4. Tampa Bay Regional Campus - Clearwater: Located in Clearwater, Florida, the Tampa Bay Regional Campus offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the fields of Health Sciences, Education, Business, and Psychology.

5. Miami Campus - North Miami Beach: The Miami Campus is situated in North Miami Beach, Florida, and offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in areas such as Business, Counseling, Criminal Justice, and Education.

In addition to these main campuses, Nova University also has several other centers and regional campuses throughout Florida that offer a variety of degree programs and support services for students. When choosing a campus, it's essential to research which programs and resources align with your academic and career goals. Make sure to check out the Nova University website for more information on program availability at each location and to schedule campus visits if you'd like to explore the campuses in person. Best of luck!

10 months ago

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