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Opinions on Purdue's interior design program?

Hi all, I've been looking into Purdue's interior design program but it's hard to find much information on it. Has anyone here studied it or know anyone who has? What's your opinion on the program? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hey there! Although I don't have firsthand experience with Purdue's interior design program, I can help share some insights based on what others have reported. Purdue's program is generally well-regarded, and the curriculum offers a solid mix of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, covering a range of interior design topics such as design principles, space planning, computer-aided design (CAD), sustainable design, and professional practices.

One of the strengths of Purdue's interior design program is its focus on experiential learning, and the opportunities for hands-on experiences with various design projects and internships. These experiences help students build a strong portfolio, which plays a key role when seeking employment after graduation.

Another aspect to consider is Purdue's reputation and resources. As a major research university, Purdue has extensive facilities, including their design studios and labs, and connections to local industries, which can be beneficial for networking and job opportunities.

However, bear in mind that personal fit is essential. It's important to visit the campus, if possible, and reach out to current students or alumni to get a better understanding of the program and what the experience might be like for you. I also recommend looking into the program's accreditation status, such as being accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA), as this helps ensure a high-quality program that meets professional standards.

If you have other options, you might want to compare factors like course offerings, faculty, resources, and location to determine the best choice for your goals and interests. Good luck with your decision!

10 months ago

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