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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best way to contact UNA Admissions Office?

Hey everyone, I'm planning to apply to the University of North Alabama (UNA) and I have some questions that I'd like to ask the admissions office. What would be the best method to contact them? Is it better to send an email or to call them directly?

10 months ago

Hello! It's great that you have questions about the University of North Alabama, and reaching out to the admissions office is a smart move. Both email and phone calls can be effective methods of communication, it just depends on your preference and the nature of your questions.

If you have general questions or anything that may require a detailed response, I'd recommend sending an email. This gives the admissions representative time to properly look into the matter and provide you with a thorough response. Additionally, you'll have a written record of their answers to refer back to later.

On the other hand, if your questions are more time-sensitive or straightforward, a phone call might be a better option, as this allows for more immediate and direct communication. Just be sure to call during the admissions office's regular business hours.

Overall, there's no one "best" method for contacting the admissions office at UNA; it comes down to your personal preferences and the nature of your questions. Good luck with your application!

10 months ago

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