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OSU Main Campus: what to expect?

Hi everyone! I'm thinking of attending OSU and wanted to get some information on the main campus's environment, activities, and overall student life. Do share your experiences and tips for an incoming student!

10 months ago

Congrats on considering OSU! The main campus at Ohio State University has a vibrant environment that many students find engaging and enjoyable. Here's a breakdown of what to expect in terms of environment, activities, and student life:


- OSU has a large, beautiful campus with a mix of historical and modern architecture.

- There's an abundance of green spaces to relax, study, and socialize. Mirror Lake and the Oval are popular spots.

- The campus is located in Columbus, which offers plenty of off-campus opportunities for entertainment, dining, and shopping.


- OSU has over 1,000 student organizations covering a wide range of interests.

- Athletics play a significant role in campus culture. OSU is known for its football team, but there are many other sports teams and club sports to join or support.

- The university hosts numerous events throughout the year, such as the Involvement Fair, BuckeyeThon, and Homecoming Week.

Student Life:

- Greek life is present but not dominating on campus, so you can choose whether or not to participate.

- As a Big Ten school, many students are highly engaged in school spirit and pride. Game days often involve tailgating and other celebrations.

- OSU has many on-campus dining options and meal plan choices to accommodate diverse needs and preferences.

- On-campus housing is required for first-years and offers a variety of residence halls with different living arrangements.

Tips for an Incoming Student:

1. Attend the Involvement Fair to learn about and join clubs that interest you.

2. Stay on top of your academics, and make use of available resources such as tutoring centers and office hours.

3. Connect with your academic advisor and establish a plan for your major and future goals.

4. Consider taking part in events like BuckeyeThon and Homecoming Week to engage in campus culture and make lasting memories.

5. Explore Columbus and discover your favorite spots for dining, entertainment, and relaxation.

Overall, OSU has a thriving environment that offers a variety of activities and a strong sense of community. Get involved, make friends, and embrace the Buckeye spirit! Good luck!

10 months ago

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