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Best Wrestling Colleges - Top 25 Options?

I'm a high school junior and an avid wrestler. I want to continue wrestling in college while pursuing my degree. Can anyone suggest some of the top 25 wrestling colleges in the US? Do these schools also offer athletic scholarships for wrestlers?

10 months ago

It's great that you want to continue your passion for wrestling while attending college! While I can't give you an exact ordered list of the top 25 wrestling colleges, I can provide some well-regarded programs that you might want to look into. Keep in mind that success in college wrestling can vary from year to year, but these schools have consistently strong programs:

1. Penn State University

2. University of Iowa

3. Oklahoma State University

4. Ohio State University

5. University of Michigan

6. Cornell University

7. University of Minnesota

8. University of Missouri

9. University of Nebraska

10. Lehigh University

11. University of Wisconsin

12. University of Oklahoma

13. University of Illinois

14. Arizona State University

15. North Carolina State University

16. Virginia Tech

17. University of North Carolina

18. Rutgers University

19. University of Wyoming

20. Princeton University

21. Iowa State University

22. University of Northern Iowa

23. University of Maryland

24. Stanford University (their program was discontinued but will be reinstated in the 2022-2023 season)

25. University of Virginia

Regarding athletic scholarships, many of these schools do offer scholarships for wrestlers, but it is important to note that the number of scholarships available might be limited as wrestling is classified as an equivalency sport in the NCAA. This means that the school can divide their allowed number of scholarships among a larger number of athletes, often resulting in partial scholarships. To be considered for an athletic scholarship, you'll want to get in touch with the coaches at the schools you're interested in and provide them with your wrestling credentials, highlights, and any other relevant information. Additionally, make sure to research other athletic and academic scholarship opportunities, as there may be other sources of financial aid available to you.

Keep up your hard work and dedication to wrestling, and best of luck in your college search!

10 months ago

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