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University of South Carolina community: big school but still close-knit?

Hey guys, I'm looking at the University of South Carolina. What's the population like, and is it possible to make close connections given its size? Appreciate any insights!

10 months ago

Hey there! The University of South Carolina's total undergraduate enrollment is around 27,000, which is indeed a larger-sized school. However, that doesn't mean you won't be able to make close connections and find your niche. At large universities, there are often various clubs, organizations, living-learning communities, and other opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

In addition, USC offers smaller class sizes for many courses, which means you'll have a chance to get to know your classmates and professors more intimately. This is helpful not only for your academic experience but also for building lasting relationships. Keep in mind that even at a large school like USC, there are still many resources available to help you navigate campus life, such as academic advising, a strong student support services department, and a dedicated First-Year-Experience program.

Another critical aspect of feeling connected is to be proactive about getting involved. Attend club fairs and events, reach out to upperclassmen, participate in orientation activities, and consider taking on leadership roles in student organizations. This will help you develop strong bonds as you explore your shared interests with other students.

So yes, while the University of South Carolina is a big school, you can definitely find a close-knit community by being proactive, taking advantage of available resources, and joining organizations that match your interests. Good luck!

10 months ago

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