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Music Schools in Washington DC?

Hey guys, I'm trying to find music schools in Washington DC. Can anyone recommend schools with strong music programs in the area? I'd really appreciate some suggestions and what factors to keep in mind during my search!

10 months ago

Hey there! I'm happy to help you navigate your search for music schools in the Washington DC area. Here are a few music programs worth considering:

1. The George Washington University has a well-regarded music program that offers both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees. You can choose from a variety of concentrations, including performance, composition, and music technology.

2. Georgetown University offers a music program within its Department of Performing Arts. You can earn a Bachelor of Arts in Music, with opportunities to focus on performance, composition, or music history and theory.

3. The Catholic University of America is home to the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, which offers several undergraduate and graduate music degree programs. Their undergraduate programs include majors in performance, composition, music education, and music theory.

4. Howard University's Department of Music is another option to consider. They offer Bachelor's degrees in Music Education, Music Therapy, Jazz Studies, and Music Business, along with various ensemble opportunities.

5. American University has a Department of Performing Arts that offers a Bachelor of Arts in Music, with concentrations in performance, audio technology, and music and entertainment business.

When evaluating music programs, consider the following factors:

- Program offerings: Choose a school that offers a program tailored to your interests, whether it be specific concentrations, degree types, or performance ensembles.

- Faculty: Research the faculty members and their backgrounds to ensure they align with your goals and areas of interest.

- Facilities: Look for schools with well-equipped practice rooms, studios, and performance spaces.

- Performance opportunities: Seek out schools with a variety of ensemble experiences and performance opportunities, both on and off campus.

Additionally, visit each school's website to explore their music programs further and consider attending open houses, audition days, or information sessions. Reach out to current students or alumni to gather their perspectives on the programs as well. Good luck with your search!

10 months ago

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