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Criminology schools in California: any recommendations?

Hey folks! I'm a junior and really interested in criminology. Can you help me find some of the best criminology schools in California? Thanks in advance for any input!

10 months ago

Hello! It's great to see that you're interested in pursuing criminology. California has several reputable schools that offer criminology or related programs. Here are some options for you to explore:

1. University of California, Irvine (UCI): UCI's Department of Criminology, Law, and Society is highly regarded and offers a major in Criminology, Law, and Society. The program focuses on crime, legal institutions, and societal responses, preparing students for a variety of careers in law enforcement, legal practice, or policy analysis.

2. California State University, Long Beach (CSULB): CSULB offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary understanding of crime and justice, including causes of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system.

3. University of California, Berkeley (UCB): Though UCB doesn't have a specific criminology major, they offer a major in Legal Studies within their interdisciplinary Social Sciences Division. Legal Studies covers a broad range of subjects, including crime, law, and society, and can provide a strong foundation for a career in criminology.

4. San Diego State University (SDSU): SDSU has a School of Public Affairs, which offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. The program covers various aspects of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections. They also offer options to concentrate on specific areas, like criminology or crime analysis.

5. University of San Francisco (USF): USF has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Studies which covers criminology, criminal law, and social justice, addressing both the causes of crime and the justice system's responses to it.

These are just a few options to get you started! As you're researching these and other programs, it's essential to consider the curriculum, faculty, internship opportunities, and the school's overall environment to determine the best fit for you. Good luck with your search!

10 months ago

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