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Culinary Arts Schools in Florida and Georgia

Hi friends! I've been trying to find top culinary arts schools in Florida and Georgia. Does anyone have any recommendations or experiences with universities/colleges providing culinary programs in these states? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hey there! I'm glad to help you with finding some reputable culinary arts schools in Florida and Georgia.

In Florida, some of the top options for culinary arts programs are:

1. Johnson & Wales University (North Miami Campus): JWU has a strong reputation for its culinary arts programs and offers various degrees, including Baking & Pastry Arts, Culinary Arts, and Food Service Management.

2. The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale: The Culinary program here offers a diverse curriculum, including diplomas in Baking & Pastry, Culinary Arts, and Culinary Management.

3. The Culinary Institute of America (Orlando Campus): CIA's campus in Orlando is located at the Disney World Resort, and they offer an Associate degree in Culinary Arts or Baking and Pastry Arts.

4. Keiser University – Center for Culinary Arts: With locations in Tallahassee, Sarasota, and Melbourne, Keiser provides an Associate of Science in Culinary Arts and an Associate of Science in Baking and Pastry Arts.

Moving on to Georgia:

1. The Art Institute of Atlanta: The institute offers programs in Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry, and Culinary Arts Management.

2. Savannah Technical College: This college provides programs such as diplomas in Baking & Pastry and Culinary arts, along with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management.

3. Gwinnett Technical College: Located in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett offers a Culinary Arts diploma program and an Associate of Applied Science degree in Culinary Arts.

4. Atlanta Technical College: ATC provides a Culinary Arts diploma program and an Associate of Applied Science degree in Culinary Arts.

These are just a few of the top culinary arts schools in Florida and Georgia. I recommend researching each of these schools, visiting their websites, and considering factors such as curriculum, faculty, facilities, costs, and location to find the best fit for your interests and career goals. Don't forget to look into scholarships and financial aid opportunities available to you at each institution as well. Good luck with your culinary arts journey!

8 months ago

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