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What is the campus size of Oregon State University?

I'm considering applying to Oregon State University, and I'm curious about how large the campus is. Can anyone provide me with some information about the campus size and layout, like the number of acres, walking distance from one end to the other, etc.?

8 months ago

Oregon State University (OSU) is located in Corvallis, Oregon, and has a sizable and picturesque campus. The main campus covers approximately 420 acres, making it large enough to accommodate all of its academic and extracurricular facilities, while still retaining a natural, welcoming atmosphere.

In terms of walking distances, OSU is relatively walkable, with most campus locations reachable within a 10-20 minute walk. The campus layout is well-planned and provides a combination of beautiful open spaces and greenery, alongside modern and well-equipped buildings.

As you explore OSU's campus, you'll come across various landmarks, such as the Memorial Union, the Valley Library, and the many academic buildings that house a diverse range of study programs. Among these, there are also numerous recreation areas, housing options, dining facilities, and other amenities on campus, contributing to OSU's vibrant student life.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the campus, consider taking an in-person or virtual tour hosted by the University. This will give you a chance to explore specific areas of interest and see how the campus facilities and layout might suit your preferences and needs.

8 months ago

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