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Top international business graduate programs?

Hey there! I'm planning on pursuing a graduate degree in international business but I'm unsure which schools have the best programs. Can anyone recommend some top international business graduate programs or share any resources I can use to find them?

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're interested in pursuing a graduate degree in International Business. There are several excellent programs in this field, and I can provide you with a list of some of the top ones to consider. Keep in mind that rankings may vary depending on the criteria used, but these schools consistently rank highly for their international business programs:

1. University of South Carolina - Darla Moore School of Business

2. Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University

3. Georgetown University - McDonough School of Business

4. University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School

5. Harvard Business School

6. Stanford Graduate School of Business

7. MIT Sloan School of Management

8. INSEAD (France and Singapore campuses)

9. London Business School

When evaluating graduate programs, it's a good idea to consider not only the reputation and ranking of the program but also other factors such as location, tuition, scholarship opportunities, alumni network, and whether the program aligns with your career goals. You can learn more about each program by visiting their respective websites, and you can also consult rankings published by sources such as U.S. News & World Report, Financial Times, and The Economist.

As you research these programs, it's important to note that admissions can be competitive, so it's a good idea to have a mix of reach, match, and safety schools on your list. Also, consider reaching out to current students and alumni to gain further insights into the program and gauge their experiences.

Lastly, don't forget to check the application deadlines for each program and familiarize yourself with the application requirements, such as GMAT/GRE scores, letters of recommendation, essays, and interviews. Good luck with your search, and I hope this information helps you find the perfect international business graduate program!

8 months ago

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