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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Juilliard Dorm Situation - What's it like?

Hey everyone! I'm applying to Juilliard for next year and I was wondering if they have dorms for students? If so, what are they like and do most students live on campus or off-campus? Any info would be helpful!

10 months ago

Hello! Yes, Juilliard does offer on-campus housing for students. The dorms are located at the Meredith Willson Residence Hall, which is connected to the main Juilliard building at Lincoln Center. This convenience allows easy access to classes, rehearsal spaces, and performance venues.

Rooms at Meredith Willson Residence Hall are primarily suite-style, meaning you'll share a living area with other students, typically 4-6 people in total. Each suite usually has two to three bedrooms, a common living/dining space, a bathroom, and a kitchenette. The rooms are generally spacious and well-maintained. There are also some single and double rooms available.

Most first-year students live on-campus, as it provides a great way to make friends and connect with other students in the performing arts community. However, upperclassmen might choose to live off-campus in apartments or shared housing around the city. Keep in mind that living in New York City can be expensive, so many students continue to live on campus due to its accessibility and relative affordability compared to other nearby options.

In addition to the housing itself, the residence hall has some attractive amenities such as a fitness center, lounge areas, on-site laundry facilities, and 24-hour security. Overall, living on-campus at Juilliard is a good experience for students looking to fully immerse themselves in the school's community and take advantage of the convenient location.

10 months ago

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