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miami dade athletics

Hey guys, I'm a high school junior interested in playing sports in college. I've heard about Miami Dade College, but I'm not sure what their athletics program is like. Can anyone provide some insight into the sports they offer and how competitive they are? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hi there! Miami Dade College (MDC) is a community college in Miami, Florida, that offers a variety of sports for both men and women. As a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), the athletic program at MDC is competitive, with teams playing against other two-year colleges in the region.

For men, MDC offers baseball, basketball, and soccer. The baseball team has enjoyed considerable success on a national level, having won numerous NJCAA championships. MDC's basketball team also has a strong reputation within Region 8 of the NJCAA.

As for the women's sports, MDC offers basketball, soccer, softball, and volleyball. Just like their male counterparts, the women's basketball team is always a tough draw for NJCAA Region 8 foes. The women's volleyball team, in particular, has a history of success, with several NJCAA championships under its belt.

MDC's athletic program is quite competitive, so if you're interested in playing sports in college, it's essential to reach out to the coaches and express your interest. Additionally, prepare a recruiting profile that includes your stats, experience, and related accomplishments, so that the MDC coaching staff of the team you'd like to join can see your athletic abilities firsthand. Good luck!

8 months ago

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