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Norfolk State University Football

Hey y'all, I'm curious about the football program at Norfolk State University. What division do they play in and are the games well-attended? How's the team spirit for those who have attended the school?

10 months ago

Norfolk State University's football team competes at the NCAA Division I level as part of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC). The games usually have a decent attendance, especially during homecoming and other important matches against fierce rivals. While the turnout may not be as high as larger Division I schools, the attendees are passionate and help to create a lively atmosphere.

As for team spirit, many students and locals take pride in supporting the NSU Spartans. You'll find students wearing the school's colors, green and gold, on game days and even throughout the school year. The marching band, known as the Spartan "Legion," also contributes to the energy and excitement in the stadium. Overall, while attendance and team spirit might vary depending on factors like the team's performance and schedule, the NSU community generally supports their football program with enthusiasm and pride.

10 months ago

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